Tri-Annual Course | Winter Workings Grades 11/12


Inside information is now available in our Tri-Annual live, online courses. Join course creator and sought-out speaker, Jean Burk, three times a year: summer, fall, and winter for timely conversations to help keep your students on track on their journey to college. These 90-minute speeches are only available through pre-registration. Sessions will be divided into 9th/10th grade and 11th/12 grade although parents of any aged student are welcome to register and attend. Each course will come with detailed worksheets to help parents walk away with clear guidance to set up their students for success.

These courses are applicable to all school students: public, private, or homeschooled.

Specific information will be shared for each grade.

The GREAT Plan
Think ahead—must have classes
Obtaining pertinent lists
Front-loading made simple

Gain an edge—what no one else is doing

College Prep
Setting up specific accounts and profiles
Dedicated email registrations

Test Prep
What tests and when
Monthly practice—you’ll thank me later

Scholarship club

Defining your D4 and penning your P6

Parents Corner
Financials frenzy familiarity
The You Know What Talk—Money


Inside information is now available in our Tri-Annual live, online courses. Join course creator and sought-out speaker, Jean Burk, three times a year: summer, fall, and winter for timely conversations to help keep your students on track on their journey to college. These 90-minute speeches are only available through pre-registration. Sessions will be divided into 9th/10th grade and 11th/12 grade although parents of any aged student are welcome to register and attend. Each course will come with detailed worksheets to help parents walk away with clear guidance to set up their students for success.

These courses are applicable to all school students: public, private, or homeschooled.

Specific information will be shared for each grade.

Leverage from the subjects
May exams on notice
Triumphing despite a low GPA

Cleaning the laundry list

College Prep
Reckoning with letters of recommendation
Interest inventory

Test Prep
Testing sigh of relief

Net price vs sticker price
Deadline killers
Open or return financial aid packages

The three-calendar system
Circumventing senor-itis
Two extended “life after 12th” options
Digital curfews

Parents Corner
Ten day goes a long way
Forgotten forms to sign


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