Summer of St. Nick (Hard Copy)
Part of the VocabCafe Book Series, The Summer of Saint Nick promises to improve vocabulary with its revolutionary design and clever story. When high school outsider Nick discovers a jackpot of money, he has to decide whether he will use this cash to better his social standing or help those who really need it. Learn 300 advanced vocabulary words as you read this delightful novella. See what The Old Schoolhouse Magazine has to say about The Summer of Saint Nick!
VocabCafé books help students easily learn SAT-level words while reading an original wholesome story.
These modern novellas contain no foul language, no illicit sexual themes, and no sorcery!
Based on a three-step approach to increasing vocabulary, each book highlights 300 advanced words by using DEFINITION, REPETITION, and REINFORCEMENT.
Readers find the definition of every highlighted word at the bottom of the page — a word review and appendix complement the learning process!
STOP wasting your time on fiction books that don’t enhance your knowledge.