CS- SAT Comprehensive Digital ECourse
College Prep Genius - SAT Prep Course
Hosted by author Jean Burk, this program covers all sections of the SAT & PSAT/NMSQT and is a thorough review of the College Prep Genius curriculum. This edition of the “Master the SAT Class” breaks this revolutionary curriculum into 12 easy lessons. This SAT Prep Course program takes students step by step through each section of the SAT and gives them a plan for success for each question type. Easy-to-use format 12 straight forward lessons Bonus material included: Appendixes of must know math terms, Latin roots, and prefixes and suffixes New motivation test Cathy Duffy Review (Curriculum Expert) “This has to be one of the best options for SAT test preparation if mastering test-taking strategies is your primary goal.” Click here for full review$139
Package Includes
- 1 Year Subscription to Online E-Course Program Access (discount at renewal)
- College Prep Genius Workbook PDF Download
- 15 Secrets to Free College Download
- Complete Vocab Series Ebooks