Boot Camp Class Format

The College Prep Genius boot camp class is interactive.

The instructor will teach the shortcuts and strategies for the SAT/PSAT(which can apply to the ACT, CLT…) and the students will have the opportunity to work actual problems using the test-taking techniques learned. Then the teacher will go back over every question and every answer and show why the right one is right and why the wrong ones are wrong. Detailed class overview at

The class is designed to give students confidence and excitement on acing these tests. This usually endows them with motivation to study and practice what they've learned.

We know that students will only retain a small percentage of what they hear the first time so to really solidify the information, so they can apply it appropriately, they must hear it again and again. This is why we give them the bonus eCourse to help them internalize the information from the class.

It generally takes twenty focused hours to learn the fundamentals of most skills and then deliberate practicing to self-correct mistakes. Accuracy before speed.

The live boot camp is the INTRODUCTION. Reviewing the eCourse helps with PROFICIENCY. Practicing correctly with the homework and College Board tests aids MASTERY.


Generally, on a two-day, six-hour class, there is a five-minute break about every hour and a twenty-five-minute lunch break. (This schedule will vary if the times and days are different.)

Day One:

  • Introduction
  • Reading
  • First part of math

Day Two:

  • Second part of math
  • Writing and Language
  • The Essay