23 Inside Secrets About College Entrance Tests
- Discover the secret chances to take the ACT that isn’t on their website.
- Shocking! Identified! Who really wrote the redesigned SAT?
- Confidential disclosure of why it costs 6 figures to create one SAT and how I found out. (HINT: it had to do with a lawsuit in Texas)
- Gain access to a list with the predicted PSAT cut-off score for your state.
- Realize an alternative college entrance test that can be a game-changer.
- Revealed: 3 dirty-little secrets that many test prep companies use to trick you.
- Distinguish what colleges really think about the SAT vs. ACT.
- Understand why the 2 Big “K”s (Khan and Kaplan) partnered with the SAT and ACT companies.
- Learn which colleges require the SAT/ACT essay.